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Privacy Policy

Our policy is to limit how, and with whom, we will share information.

We do not share information about you, or our former clients, with our affiliates or service providers or other third parties except on the limited basis permitted by law. Upon your written request, we may also share your nonpublic personal information to third-party service providers, such as accountants and lawyers, or family members. It is necessary for us to have your personal information so that we know how to contact you in order to answer questions or to respond to your requests for information from us.


The website, newsletter, Social Media posts, member or non- member interactions, and content is neither a market timing service, model portfolio, or research report. There is no guarantee that the companies mentioned will produce profits or that they will equal past performance. Although all content is derived from data believed to be reliable, accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Jordan Kimmel is the Managing Member and Portfolio Manager for The Magnet Fund. 

Securities discussed may be held in portfolios managed by The Magnet Fund. Members of the staff of Jordan Kimmel’s Magnet Fund may hold positions in some or all of the stocks listed and discussed in this publication. Reference to these securities should not be deemed as an understanding of any future position, buying or selling, that may be taken by Magnet.


All investments are subject to a risk of loss. Investors should seek their own investment advice and perform their own investigation into the advisability and investing in any of the companies mentioned. Readers using this information are solely responsible for their own actions and invest at their own risk.

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